Police arrests S. B. Subba

Nepal Police arrested chairman of Human Rights Organization of Bhutan (HUROB) S. B. Subba on Friday afternoon on suspicion of his link in Belndagi I murder case.
Police Inspector Kamal Thapa at Thana Police Post Damak informed that Subba has been arrested from Damak as part of investigation of the incident. ‘Interrogation with Subba is underway,” said Thapa.
Confirming the arrest, HUROB in a statement said Subba is kept under the custody of Damak Police post, Jhapa.
On April 21, a resident of Belgangi I Santi Ram Nepal was murdered by unknown gunmen. The police arrested six other exiled Bhutanese refugees in this connection.
HUROB said no one is allowed to meet them in custody.(Ap)
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शान्तिराम नेपालको हत्यामा संलग्न संकास्मत छ जनालाई पक्राउ

स्थानिय प्रहरीले शान्ति राम नेपालको हत्यामा संलग्न संकास्मत छ जनालाई बेल्डागी १बाट पक्राउ गरेको छ। शान्ति राम नेपाललाई गत मङ्गलबार बेलुकी केही अज्ञात हतियार धारी समुहले पाइखाना गइे फर्केर आउँदै गर्दा गोली प्रहर गरी हत्या गरेका थिए ।
पक्राउ गरीएका छ जनाहरु बेल्डागी १कै डोल्मा तमाङ ,सुकमाया तमाङ ,जुङग बहादुर राइ ,नर बहादुर राइ र झरी लाल राइ छन भने अर्को एकको नाम नखुले पनि यी जुङग बहादुर राइ ,नर बहादुर राइ र झरी लाल राइ एकै घरका दाजु भाई रहेका छन।
सब ईन्स्पेक्टर प्रदिप राइले बताए अनुसार हत्यामा संलग्नहरुले आधुनिक हतियार प्रयोग गरेको खुल्नमा आएको छ । वहाँले बताए अनुसार नेपालको दुईवटा गोली पाखुरामा ,एक गोली घाटीमा र एक गोली तिग्रामा लागेको थियो । पुलिसले अज्ञात समुहद्वारा फायर गरिएको तीनवटा गोलीका साथै दुईवटा खुकुरी हत्या गरिएको स्थानबाट बरामद गरेको थियो । छिमेकीहरुका अनुसार गोली प्रहार गरी हत्यारधारीहरु नजिकैको जंगल तर्फ भागेका थिए ।
गत केही महिना देखी नै केही अज्ञात समुहको धम्कीलाई मध्यनजर गर्दै नेपालले सुरक्षाको माग गर्दै लिखित रुपमा एउटा पत्र यू एन एच सि आर ,सिबिर ब्यबस्थापन समितीका साथै प्रहरीलाई बुझाएका थिए भने गत केही महिना देखी नै प्रहरीहरु उनको घरको सुरक्षाको स्थिती बुझ्न अैरहने गर्थे र उनलाई केही सुरक्षाको महसुस हुन्थियो। लिबेरेसन आर्मी अफ भुटान भन्ने एक अज्ञात समुहले उनको हत्याको जिम्मा लिएको छ भने सोही समुहको नाममा सिबिरमा छरिएको पर्चामा हत्या गरिएका नेपाल भुटान र भारतको जासुसका रुपका काम गर्दै गरेको भन्ने लेखिएको छ । उनीहरुले नेपाललाई भुटान कम्युनिष्ट पार्टीका साथै प्रदेशबाट सन्चालित बिभिन्न समुह बिच बिभाजनको प्रमुख कारण हुन भनी भनेका छन।
पोस्टरमा लेखिएको छ हत्या गरिएका शान्ति राम नेपालले भुटान रेभुलेसन फ्रन्टमा मदभेत ल्याउन खोजे पनि उनको दुससाहस पुरा नभएको बताएको छ भने नेपालले पार्टीको नाममा भारतबाट भुटानमा आन्दोलन गर्ने भनी ठुलो नगद राशी ल्याएर जताभाबी चलाएको समेत भनेको छ र अन्तमा नेपालको कानुन बिपरित काम गरेकोमा क्ष्यमा मागेको छ ।
हत्या गरिएका नेपालको कनकाइ माइमा दाहसंस्कार गरिएको छ ।
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Santi Ram Nepal killed in Bhutanese Refugee camp

Beldangi-I, April 21: An unidentified gunman fired four rounds of bullets and killed Shanti Ram Nepal, 56, of Beldangi-I camp, B-2/155 around 8:45 PM today.
Both, the camp secretary TB Gurung and the camp-based Armed Police Force (APF) confirmed the casualty this evening.Nepal was said to have been a member of the underground Communist Party of Bhutan (Maoist) that says it will start an armed struggle in the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan to overthrow its hereditary monarchy.

The 52-year-old is said to have left the party recently.More than 100,000 Bhutanese have been living in refugee camps in east Nepal since their eviction by the Druk government almost two decades ago.

After hopes of repatriation failed, many of the refugees have opted for settlement in western countries.

Led by the US, other governments like Canada, Norway and Australia have offered to provide a new home to the refugees.

The exodus however created tension between those who want a fresh start and those who want the world community to pressure Bhutan into taking its citizens back.
“There is no security for refugees in camps”, said Gurung, who accompanied Nepal’s wife and daughter as they were rushed to AMDA-Hospital.
According to the hospital source they have lost their consciousness as they could not tolerate the shooting.
Our correspondent Arjun Pradhan reported that the APF arrested two girls from the same camp for investigation.
The dead body is kept at the APF camp in Beldangi-I.(AP)Email this post to friend

भुटानि शरणार्थी सिबिरमा फोटो प्रदर्सनी

अमेरिकामा पुनर्स्थापित भुटानिहरुको बस्तोस्थिथीको बारेमा जानकारी गराउन शरणार्थी सिबिरका शरणार्थीहरुलाई पुनर्बास भइसकेका भुटानिहरुको फोटो प्रदर्सन बेल्डागी सिबिरमा गरियो । करीव ६ महिनाअघि अमेरिकाको न्यूयोर्कमा कसिस श्रेष्ठले खिचेका फोटोहरुको प्रदर्सन आज बेल्डागी २ मा गरियो । bhutanese-man

अमेरिका स्थित पुनर्स्थापित भुटानि शरणार्थीहरुलाई सिबिरमा भन्दा दु:ख छ भन्ने भ्रमक समाचार शरणार्थी सिबिरमा फैलीरहेको बेला उक्त कार्यक्रम यू एन एच सि आरद्वारा सिबिरमा रहेका शरणार्थीहरुलाई तेस्रो देश पुनर्स्थापनामा उत्प्रेरणा जागोस भन्ने उदेस्य लिएर गरिएको हो । अन्य फोटोको लागि यहाँ थिच्नुस्
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New King of Bhutan, Human rights and Bhutanese Refugees

In the establishment of the Bhutan, the major credits go to the Tibetan, Nepali speaking Bhutanese and Kuchbihari. The first Royal Dynasty of the Bhutan was the Namgyal who came to Bhutan as “Auatari Lama” from Tibet and laid the strong foundation of the prosperous Bhutan. The Dharmaraja Namgyal established the law in the country. In 1861 B.S. the laws, regulations, rights and measure prevalent of Gorkha were introduced in Bhutan. At the time of Dharmaraja Namgyal, Bhutan’s relationship was not only with Gorkha but also with the Malla Kings of Kathmandu Valley and the Sen Dynasty kings of Nepal. The different skilled craftsmen were brought from Nepal to build the Buddhist Stupa and Monasteries, these people of the various ethnic groups began to settle in Bhutan. The Hindu Priests from Nepal were also well recognized during the period. The relation between the Hindus and Buddhists were extremely harmonic since they were engaged in building the government monasteries and used to celebrate their respective festival together. The idols of the five Gods were placed in the government monasteries and the Royal family strongly believes in the presents of “the Shivatwa to the Buddhatwa and the Buddhatwa to Shivatwa” that is why the King had great faith on Halesi Mahadev of Khotang and Swaymbhu.Thus, as Nepali speaking ethnic groups had settled in Bhutan since the early beginning, they are regarded as authentic Bhutanese citizens.
During eighteen century, the most of the part of Bhutan was covered by dense forest. During 1725 A.D. as managing the socio-habitat in the country, the Nepali speaking Bhutanese who were already in Bhutan from centuries were given the responsibility to safe-guard its borders. The Nepali speaking Bhutanese like Brahmin, Kshatri, Newar, Limbu, Rai, Gurung, Magar, Tamang, Kami, Damai etc were working by heart and had major contribution in the development of southern Bhutan. The Nepali language had been granted the status of a lingua franca from the history. Therefore, the Nepali speaking Bhutanese had not faced any difficulties in term of language. Even though the priority was given to Buddhism, all ethnic groups were free to follow the Hinduism or any other religion and were free to wear any traditional dresses. The titles as”Dharmaraja” and “Devraja” have been used by the King and the Prime-minister as “Shree Panch” and “Shree Teen” in Nepal. These titles are used from the history and we should keep in mind that these words were created in Nepal. So, the influence of the Nepalese language was from centuries.
In 1907 A.D, Devraj Pellop Wangchuk abolished the “Dharmaraja” system and started the Wangchuk dynasty, which was adopted forcefully with the conspiracy. No one can deny the greatest contribution of the Nepali Speaking Bhutanese people in the establishment of the Bhutan before the Wangchuk Dynasty and as well as helped the Wangchuk Dynasty then after. During this period, the East India Company had ruled India and didn’t want Bhutan to maintain the Royal regime. Nepal had good relation with the British so in order to help the Nepalese Speaking Bhutanese and the Wangchuk Dynasty. The Nepalese Government helped in preparing a delegation committee including the Devraja Pellop Wangchuk and convinced the British to maintain the Institution of the Royal Dynasty in Bhutan. Chandra Samsher had good relationship with the British and it was through him that an understanding could be able to establish the relation with the Wangchuk dynasty in Bhutan and the British in India. But, it is a matter of great disappointment that such a historical event is forgotten through time and the Nepali Speaking Bhutanese from Bhutan were kicked out after the census of 1988 A.D.
The Nepali Speaking Bhutanese were ordered to either show proof of their residence prior to 1958 A.D. or be expelled. Later on, even those who produced such evidence were beaten up and forcefully expelled after burning up their documents. What injustice can exceed such a brutal out? Where were the people who talks about the Human Rights and the Justice? In 1971 when Bhutan became a member of the United Nations, its population was declared as one million and later in 1988 came to be only seven hundred thousand. This was a strategy to compel the Nepali Speaking Bhutanese People to leave forcefully from the country. If the United Nations seeks to investigate into the history of civilization in Bhutan then these facts can be verified.
The forcefully throwing out the Nepalese Speaking Bhutanese from the country will prove the brutality of the Crown of Bhutan and recently in India the former Bhutanese King Jigme Singhe Wangchuk told the media that not all Bhutanese refugees in Nepal are Bhutanese. This is a Perfect lie. Ignoring all realities, no one can trust such a tactic to label genuine Bhutanese citizens as illegitimate citizens. Such statement goes contrary to the interest of both Nepal and Bhutan and need reconsideration as soon as possible. The statement may set bad image of the King and the Kingdom in the international community.
Bhutan is considered as a Buddhist country but its actions against its own citizens by framing false court cases, inciting rape and expelling them out of their own country made it a cruel irony of the Buddhist religion. Nationalism is not surely a sentiment but also the right to live as human beings. Yet, when its citizens have been deprived of their own nationalism, how can Bhutan be considered as a nation? The Bhutanese refugee problem was almost on the verge of being resolved and had it not been for some of our diplomatic Mafia including then Ambassador to India and Bhutan, who secretly convinced with the Bhutanese by agreeing the mandatory adoption of the Jongkha language and the Kira (Tibetan dress) dress plus will be treated as the cheap labor.
Mr. Pushpa Raj Pradhan (Editor -Peoples Review) writes- ‘Bhutan is an India protested state. The Indian desire is to make Nepal just like Bhutan.Untit the existence of the King in Nepal,India saw no chance of fulfilling her interests here. Therefore, the king was compelled to quite the Crown and the throne. In Bhutan, violation of human rights if very high.Its own citizens, living peacefully there for ages, were forced to leave the country. The king there is like the puppet of India and thus New Dehi has always shown high reards to the monarchy there. the new king in Bhutan will make no chance in internal as well as external affairs’. The Bhutan’s sovereignty, this is a great question for U.N. Speaking truly, I also explain that this is not the bilateral problem between Nepal and Bhutan because of India-Bhutan treaty of 1949 AD (the Defense and Foreign Policy will be controlled by India). In order to solve the Bhutanese refugee problem, Nepal, Bhutan and India should make joint efforts. India cannot stand aloof from this problem as India’s collaboration in engendering the problem is apparent in one way or other and it’s for sure that the issue cannot be resolved without Indian consent.
It is well known to the Bhutanese King that the Nepalese Speaking Bhutanese people are faithful to the Wangchuk Dynasty. The book written by MR. Tek Nath Rijal “Nirvasan (Exiled)” also highlights the real situation of Bhutan. The fact is that Nepalese Speaking Bhutanese people always wanted to live in peace by maintaining good relation with the King. Since some time, the Bhutanese leader Mr. Tek Nath Rijal has been visiting various relevant centers in Europe and America and advocating the right of the Bhutanese refugees to return to their home country and the international communities are also showing sympathy for Mr. Rijal and the refugees.
Now, the United States of America came with a solution (rather a new problem), that is giving Refugee Visa to Sixty thousand Bhutanese Refugees staying in Nepal. Do they have any solution for rest of them? If the American Government, really wanted to help these people, why not they start talking about the real solution. The real solution is, sending all of them back home (Bhutan) with respect. All the intellectuals are confused, why American and Indian Governments never talk about Democracy and Humanity in Bhutan. Everybody knows that, it is very easy to create problems than solving it. The aforementioned points are not for creating problems, rather help to solve the problems. So, would like to suggest a quadrangular talk between Mr. Rijal, Bhutanese, Indian and American Diplomats and hope to come out with a real humanity based decision. This is the right time for all the developed countries to prove that, they still are in humanitarian platform.
Now, the new King Oxfort-educated 28 -year-old Jigme Khesar has crowned in a coronation. This is his golden chance to solve the Bhutanese refugees problem. Without solving the refugee problem and talking the ceremony of coronation and about democracy is useless. Bhutanese King cannot turn deaf and hold on with such situation rather be flexible. Therefore, the new king should be in a position to recall the Nepalese Speaking Bhutanese citizen including Mr. Rijal back to their country without conditions so that they can settle down as they had been prior to 1988 A.D and these people are ready to accept all the terms and condition that the first citizen do have to follow. Let by-gone be by-gone. Now, if the Bhutanese new King Jegme Khesar himself would gather the facts and find out the reality and solve the long standing refugee problem, which would certainly, be a great success for Bhutan and the Bhutanese Royal institution. Looking forward to see prosperous Bhutan.
Email : dirgharajprasai@gmail.com

भुटानि शरणार्थी भित्र

झापा र मोरङका सात वटै भुटानी शरणार्थी शिबिरमा शिबिरस्तरीय शरणार्थी बाल मञ्चको चुनाब शुरु भएको छ ।
शिबिरस्तरीय बाल मञ्चको कार्यसमिती चयनको लागि हिजो पुर्बी झापाका गोलधाप , टिमाई र खुदुनाबारी शिबिरमा सेक्टर तहमा चुनाब भयो ।
त्यो चुनाबबाट छानिएका प्रतिनिधि मध्येबाट त्यहां शिबिरस्तरीय शरणार्थी बाल मञ्च चयन गरिने बताइएको छ ।

बेलडागी १ , २ , ३ र शनिश्चरे शरणार्थी शिबिरमा भने यहि बैशाख महिनाको पहिलो साता भित्र बाल मञ्चको चुनाब गरिसक्ने शरणार्थी बाल मञ्चका कार्यक्रम संयोजक इन्द्र तिम्सिनाले शरणार्थी सन्देशलाई बताउनु भएको छ ।
त्यो चुनाबमा सातवटै शिबिरका सात देखि १८ बर्षसम्मका २८ हजार शरणार्थी बालबालिका मतदाता रहेकाछन् ।
मञ्चको कार्याबधी एक बर्षरहने गरेको छ ।
सन् १९९७मा स्थापित भुटानी शरणार्थी बाल मञ्चको नेतृत्व प्रत्येक बर्ष निर्बाचनको माध्यमबाट चयन हुने गरेको छ ।

बेलडागी ३ शरणार्थी शिबिरमा आधारभुत उद्घोषण तालिम शुरु भएको छ ।
अस्ति बुधबार शुरु भएको ११ दिने उद्घोषण तालीममा २१ जना शरणार्थी र सातजना स्थानिय समेतगरि २८ युबा सहभागी छन् ।
युबा मैत्री केन्द्रले आयोजना गरेको त्यो तालीममा शरणार्थी सञ्चारकर्मी अर्जुन प्रधान , केशब घिमीरे लगायतका प्रशिक्षक रहनु भएको छ ।

झापाको गोलधाप शरणार्थी शिबिरमा हिजो फुटबल प्रतियोगिता शुरु भएको छ ।
प्रतियोगिता अर्न्तर्गत हिजोको खेलमा गोलधाप शिबिर सेक्टर बि को पिआरसीसी टिमलाई सेक्टर सी को एएएआरए टिमले चारका बिरुद्घ तिन गोलको अन्तरले हरायो ।
त्यो खेलमा बिजयी एएएआरएका नर बहादुर भट्टर्राई म्यान अफ द म्याच घोषीत भएका थिए ।
शिबिरकै न्यु स्पोर्ट्स क्लवले आयोजना गरेको त्यो प्रतियोगीतामा शरणार्थीका र स्थानीय समेतगरी ८ टिम स्पर्धी रहेकाछन् ।

बेलडागी २ का अग्नि पिडीत भुटानी शरणार्थीलाई लामखुट्टेबाट बच्न खुदुनाबारी शिबिरका शरणार्थीले झुल सहयोग गरेकाछन् ।
खुदुनाबारी शिबिरका शरणार्थीले छाप्रा छाप्राबाट नगद संकलन गरी ११ हजार रुपैया जुर्टाई अग्नी पिडित शरणार्थीलाई असी थान झुल उपलब्ध गराएको खुदुनाबारी शिबिरका सचिब भानु ढुगांनाले बताउनु भएको छ ।
त्यस संगै खुदुनाबारी शिबिरमा संकलीत एकसय ५ थान थाल , बटुका र गिलास पनि बेलडागी २ का अग्नि पिडितलाई प्रदान गरिएको सचिब ढुगांनाले जानकारी दिनुु भएको छ ।
गएको २८ फागुनमा बेलडागी २ मा भएको आगलागीमा शिबिरस्थित बिधालय र शरणार्थीका लगभग चारसय छाप्रा नष्ट भएका थिए ।
अन्तराष्ट्रिय ओलम्पीक कमिटीको सहयोगमा राष्ट्रसंघीय शरणार्थी आयोगले झापा र मोरङका सात वटै शिबिरका भुटानी शरणार्थी र शिबिर छेउछाउका स्थानीयलाई समेत गरी २४ हजार थान खेल सामग्री बितरण गरेको छ ।
केही महिना अघि चिनको बेइजिङमा सम्पन्न ओलम्पीकमा अष्टेलीयाबाट ल्याइएका तर प्रयोग नभएका जुत्ता, हाफ पाइन्ट, टि र्सट , भेष्ट, क्याप, ट्रयाक सुट, झोला लगायतका सामग्री शरणार्थी शिबिरका युबा, बालबालीका र महिला मञ्च, शिबिर ब्यबस्थापन समिती, शिबिर रेखदेख टिम, शिबिरका बिधार्थी तथा अपा•ता भएका शरणार्थीलाई बितरण गरिएको राष्ट्रसंघीय शरणार्थी आयोगको दमकस्थित कार्यालयका बाहृय सम्बन्ध सहायक बिमलबाबु खत्रीले बताउनु भएको छ ।
यसैगरी शरणार्थी शिबिर छेउछाउका स्थानीय बिधार्थी र खेलकुद क्लबहरुलाई पनि त्यस्ता खेल सामग्री यसैसाता बितरण गरिएको खत्रीले जानकारी दिनु भएको छ/(TPM)

Viewing New year thru a pessimistic lens!!

Oops! New Year

By T. Aatreya
“Happy New Year, sir,” a colleague of mine says to me. Obvoiusly, I have no other reply left with me for him, Thank you, and same to you sir”, I conclude the ready made answer in just a breathe which indeed is just a conventional formality.
With the approach of the new year 2066, the nepali restaurants and hotels are getting packed,large crowds have started gathering around the gift houses,fancy stores and shopping complex especially in Nepal. Huge and lavish parties are being thrown to make an auspicious beginning of the year.Young lovebirds seem busy to offer wishes and best regards to their beloved. Above all, the whole atmosphere has been swayed by the wave of New Year.And we all are planning to celebrate the new year’s eve with a great sense of vigor.
But, if we bring back to mind those yesteryears that we have so far waved goodbye, turn each of the pages of our diaries back and make a micro analysis of each second,minute,hour and days of those years, no doubt, we get ourselves lost in the dense fog of nostalgia and thus sink in apathy. Last night only i checked out the inbox of my cellphone that has gone bulky with sms from dozens of my friends.Some of the messengers wished me a wonderful New Year while a very few had invited me at a special new year’s dinner, but to my utter surprise, I hardly found a single message written about the year 2055 to which we are giving a farewell.
An advent of a new year doesn’t only mean a matter of happiness and merrymaking but distress and desolation too. It is because a brand new year only begins when an old year ends up or say a new year appears at our corridor only when we agree to deduct three Hundred and sixty five days from the total days of our lives, which we never regain much as we cry, complain or long for it. In fact, the reel of our life is getting shorter and shorter and sadly we are enjoying over it. Are we suppose to enjoy over the approaching of the day when we actually lie down on the bed for ever? of course not. Rather, we should mourn at the withering of a year and weigh ourselves in its pan before we actually accept the invitation to a New Year’s party.I don’t mean to object the celebration of New Year here but just wish to say that not to forget the bygone days for, they are equally important to us.New year is strange to us,days are uncertain.They may go worse or turn better. the success /failure in new year depends upon our deeds and lessons learnt from those passed days/years.

भुटानि शरणार्थी समाचार बिशेष

अस्तीको दिन सकिएको एसएलसी परीक्षामा झापा र मोरङका सात शिविरमा दर्ुइसय २३ शरणार्थी छात्रछात्र पूरै तथा आंशिक रुपमा अनुपस्थित भएको पाइएको छ ।
शरणार्थीको शैक्षिक सहायता संस्था कारितासका शैक्षिक कार्यक्रम संयोजक एलएन पोखरेलका अनुसार परीक्षाको फारम भरेका दुइ हजार ५१ जना शरणार्थी छात्रछात्रा मध्ये दुइसय १ जना परीक्षा पूर्व नै अनुपस्थित थिए ।
परीक्षा शुरु भएपछि शुरुका एक दुइवटा विषयको जाँच लेख्दै बाँकी विषयको परीक्षामा अनुपस्थित छात्रछात्राको संख्या २२ रहेको पनि पोखरेलले बताउनु भएको छ ।
परीक्षामा अनुपस्थित ति विद्यार्थीहरु पुनर्वासमा तेस्रो मुलुक गइसकेको हुनसक्ने बताइएको छ ।

पुनर्वासमा तेस्रो देश जान ठिक्क परेका शरणार्थीहरु आफूले जोडेका घरेलु सामान बेच्न शिविर बाहिर जाने गरेको पाइएको छ ।
नेपालमा शरण लिएर १८ वर्षबसेका शरणार्थीले बर्साईको क्रममा श्रम गरेर जोडेका सामान बेच्ने गरेको पाइएको दमक उद्योग वाणिज्य संघले जनाएको छ ।तितोपिरोमिठो
दमक, उद्योग वाणिज्य संघका दितिय उपाध्यक्ष शंकर बस्नेतले दमकका शहरी र ग्रामीण क्षेत्रमा खाट, दराज, थाल, बटुका, टेलिभिजन सेट, बाकस जस्ता बजनदार सामानका बेच्न हिडने गरेको आफूले पाएको बताउनु भएको छ ।
पुनर्वासमा जाने शरणार्थीले एकजना बराबर २० केजी भन्दा बढी वजन लैजान नपाउने भएपछि शरणार्थीले मालमत्ता बेच्ने गरेको बताइन्छ ।

पुनर्वासका क्रममा भुटानी शरणार्थीको दोस्रो ठूलो समूह नेदरल्याण्ड पुगेको छ ।
पछिल्लो पटक ३१ जना भुटानी शरणार्थीको समूह त्यहाँ पुगेको हो । उनीहरुलाई भुटानी समाजका सदस्य टिबी गुरुङ र डिपी मैनालीले स्वागत गर्नु भएको थियो ।
गत वर्षशुरु भएको पुनर्वास कार्यक्रम अर्न्तगत १० हजार भुटानी शरणार्थी अमेरिका सहितका सात मुलुकमा पुनर्स्थापित भई सकेका छन् ।

बेलडांगी २ शरणार्थी शिविरका अग्निपीडित भुटानी शरणार्थी परिवार मध्ये ४२ परिवारलाई त्यो शिविरबाट पूनर्वासमा तेस्रो मुलुक गएका शरणार्थीका खाली छाप्रामा सारिएको छ ।
बेलडांगी २ शरणार्थी शिविरका सचिव नारदमुनी सन्यासीका अनुसार बांकी अग्निपीडित शरणार्थी परिवार तिनका आफन्त र नजिकैको सेक्टर स्कूलमा आश्रय लिएर बसिरहेका छन ।
कतिपय चांहि आफ्नो छाप्रो डढेको ठाँउ सफा गरी त्यहीं अर्को छाप्रा बनाएर बस्न थालेको पनि सचिव सन्यासीले बताउनुभयो ।
गएको २८ फागुनमा बेलडांगी २ शरणार्थी शिविरका सेक्टर इ र सेक्टर डि मा तीनहजार जति शरणार्थी बिस्थापित हुनेगरी भएको आगलागिमा बिद्यालय र शरणार्थी बस्ने समेतगरी चारसय छाप्रा जलेका थिए ।
सहायता अधिकारीहरुले आगलागिबाट खरानी भएका ति शरणार्थीका छाप्रा पूननिर्माण गर्न उनीहरुलाई कम्तिमा तीन महिना लाग्ने बताउदै आएका छन् ।

‘जेठा’ के गर्दै होला हिजो आज!!!

(Here is once again the old post back upon the requests of many friends.)
मेरो त्यो मासुम साथीलाई सम्झदै …..
Jetha from Bel-1
यहाँ तस्बिरमा देखिएका मानिस् भुटानी शरणअर्थी सिबिर बेल्डाङ्गी १ का हुन जस्को खास नाम त मलाई थाहा छैन तथापी उनी सिबिरमा “जेठा” नाम ले निक्कै परिचित् छन। त्यसो त ‘जेठा’ केटाकेटीहरु माझ “कालेनी गोरेनी” नाम ले पनि सुपरिचित छन। थोरै मात्र बोल्ने यिनी मानसिक रुपमा अलिक असन्तुलित भये पनि धेरै सामाजिक थिए । गाउ घरमा ब्रत बन्ध,जप तप, काज कृया, बिहे आदी भएमा सरसफाइ तथा अन्य सहयोग गर्न टूप्लुक्क पुग्दथे। जहाँ जस्तो सुकै गीत बजे पनि यी जेठा नाच्न पुग्थे। हुनत उनी आँफै ्यक्तिगत सरसफाइ तिर उत्ती ध्यान दिने खाल्का त थिएनन तै पनि छर्छिमेक वरपरका फोहोरका झोलाहरु, मैला अनी पुराना/थोत्त्रा कपडा आदी सहि ठाउँमा लगेर फाल्थे औ त्यसो गर्न सिकाउथे । यसरी सिबिर सफा राख्नुमा जेठाको निकै ठुलो योग्दन थियो भन्दा अत्युक्ती नहोला। मलाई यी मान्छे एक हिसाबले अनौठा लाग्थ्यो। सिबिरमा कहिले काही खराब परिस्थितीका कारण कर्फ्यु लाग्थ्यो,या भनौ निसेधाग्या जारी हुन्थ्यो, सबै घर भित्र हुन्थे,सडकमा खाली सुरक्षा फौज हुन्थ्यो तर पनि यी जेठा आनन्दै हिडिरहेका हुन्थे।
आज मैले यिनको प्रसँग किन यो ब्लगमा राखे भन्नु हुन्छ भने जेठा सँग मेरो साह्रै नभुल्ने घटना घटेको छ। जेठा सडकमा हिड्दै!
एक दिनको कुरा हो,करिब ५ बर्ष अघी, म काही बाहिर बाट घर आउँदै थिए, झापाको दमक उत्रिदा रातको करिब १२ बजेको थियो। नेपालमा त्यसबेला धेरै वोटा तत्वो हरुको डर हुन्थ्यो। जङली मान्छेले पो गोली ठोक्छ कि वा आर्मीको तातो बुल्लेट पो निलिने हो कि’यस्तै यस्तै कुरा मनमा केलाउदै म डराउदै डराउदै लागे उकालो सिबिर तिर। दमक बजार सुन्सान थियो, खाली सडकका कुकुर हरु मात्रै यत्र तत्र भुकिरहेका थिए, आम्दा अस्पताल छेवैको फाल्गुनन्दको मुर्ती लाई ढोग्दै करिब ४५ मिनेट हिंडेपछि म भाङ्बरी पुगे अब भने मेरो मुटु फुट्ला जस्तो गरेर उफ्रिन थाल्यो कारण म त्यस बेला सशास्त्र प्रहरी बेस केम्प को धेरै नजिक पुगी सकेको थिए जुन बाटो हुँदै म घर जानु पर्थ्यो। प्रहरी लाई यो मान्छे राम्रै हो भन्ने लागोस भनेर म अघी देखी गीत पनि गुनगुनाउदै थिए। भाङबारी चोकको केही मास्तिर पुगे पछी मेरो पछाडि वाट मलाई बोलायो, ओय,कहा बाट आको? बोली अलिक लर्बरिएको जस्तो थियो त्यस मान्छे को। ‘काठमाडौं बाट हजुर’ मैले झन झन छिटो हिडदै काम्दै काम्दै छोटो उत्तर दिये। त्यो मान्छे दौडेर मेरो नजिक आयो,मेरो हन्सले ठाउँ छोड्यो.. यसो हेरेको त उही ‘कालेनी गोरेनी’ पो छ। मेरो छेवैमा आएर खिसिक्क हास्यो। ओये जाम घर तिर, तलाई म मिठो मिठो खाने कुरा दिन्छु, यात्रामा साथी त हुन्छ भन्ने हेतु ले मैले उस्लाई फकाउदै भने। नभन्दै जेठो अगी लाग्यो। जस्तो सुकै भये पनि यात्रामा साथी पाउदा धेरै आट आउदो रहेछ। हामी दुई साथी बेल्डाङी १ को प्रहरी बेस केम्पमा के पुगेको थियौ, छ सात जना पुलिस आएर मलाई सोध्न थाले अनी छेवैमा हासिरहेको मेरो प्यारो मित्र लाई देखाउदै मैले भने ‘सर,यो मेरो आफन्ता हो ५ दिन देखी हराएको थियो र अज भेटे यो गाडी मा चड्न मान्दैन त्यसैले मैले हिडाएर ल्याउनु पर्‍यो र यती राती भएको हो’ एकै सासमा मैले टुङ्ग्याये। ‘जाउ जाउ ।।।।।’ घर जाने अनुमती पाइयो । शायद यो जेठा नभएको भये प्रहरी ले मेरो हाड भाची दिनेथ्यो-त्यस्तो परिस्थितीमा त्य्तीराती एक्लै,मलाई त्यही गोली हान्ने थ्यो होला ,तर यसले मलाई बचायो। त्यसैले मानसिक रुपमा अलिक बिरामी भयेता पनि जेठाले मलाई ठुलो कृपा गरेको छ।
अमेरिका आउने केही दिन अघी मात्रै मैले जेठा लाई सडकमा भेटेको थिए र मेरो सेलफोन वाट यो फोटो सम्झने बिर्सने खिचिराखेको थिए। जेठो के गर्दै होला हिजो आज। उसले त मलाई चिन्दैन होला तर म उस्लाई चिन्नु मात्रै के बिर्सनै सक्दिन, किनकी उस्ले मलाई अन्जान अन्जान मै भए पनि ठुलो गुन लगाएको छ I


(April Fool Digest)

Who is fool/full….?!

By T. Aatreya

The fine morning of April 1, 2003, I was getting ready to set out for my college when Pradeep, a close friend of mine doing his Master’s Degree, then, in Kathmandu, telephoned me and informed that he met with a terrible motorcycle accident a week before and lost one of his legs. Seriously injured, he was admitted to Bir hospital in Kathmandu. One of his major cardiac blood vessel was ruptured, so, he was going to have the heart related surgery the next day. His voice was dim, deep and painful. I could track uncontrollably painful sobbing of people in the background during our conversation. His words shattered me, I felt as though i was torn and left in lurch and deserted, avalanche of tears rolled off my eyes.I thought i must help him some how. Immediately, I called my teacher, creating a fake reason, I informed her that i would not be joining them at least for the next couple of days. Indeed, Pradeep and I were very close friends who shared the same room in the course of our +2 level of studies back in Biratnagar,a town in South Eastern part of Nepal, smoked the same pipe during our teen years and even ate from the same plate ever since our childhood. He had been a solacer for me in times of hardship and, vice versa. But, for some personal reasons, we had been geographically apart: one, in the hubbub of the Capital and the other in the tourist destination, Pokhara. In a bid to make sure once again that he had met with such a catastrophic accident and had been in the hospital, I called him. To my utter desperation, the line had been busy. I tried calling for at least a dozen times but to no avail. This led me to confusion as to whether the situation, further, got worsened and so no one picked up the phone. Finally,upon finding no other reliable alternative to pacify my throes, i decided to see him personally so, I caught the bus heading for the Kathmandu valley with a meager hope of seeing my bosom friend alive who was fighting with his ill- fate in the hospital. It was after five hours of tiresome bus trip that i was at Thankot’s terrible traffic when another friend, Dipak, called me. I told him the story but he laughed aloud, the act of which irked me. I yelled at him and finally he ejected the bitter reality, Hey! don’t you know it? “Today is the April Fool!! Pradeep gulled you”. He had called me an hour before and told me that he was at Gopi Krishna Cinema Hall with his girl friend, Mad with anger, I hung up the phone and straight away called this silly creature who brought a big commotion in my mind.And discovered that he was with his girl friend watching a movie in the theatre and as he picked up my phone, he, at the outset, wished me a Happy April Fool Day. I shrunk my self, a mixture of shamefullness, embarrassment, anger and a sense of inferiority arouse in my mind. I didnt wish to go ahead talking to him. so ‘silently’ crept in back to Pokhara the same day.
Well, this is my personal experience on April Fool Day when my friend duped and fooled me. This is just a simple incident happened on this day. Millions of people around the globe observe this day playing various pranks on others.Though different sources give different references as regard to the origin of this tradition, many believe Europe as the birth place of this celebration. Europeans, even today, celebrate this day commiting practical and impractical jokes, creating hoaxes and sending them to their relatives, friends and neighbours and making funs. The same tradition is observed in a peculiar way in France and among the French speaking Canadians where they play a trick of attaching a paper fish to the victim’s back with out being noticed. While in some of the Asian nations, the media observe this day publishing some fake news and thereby confusing the general people.In the recent years, celebration of this day has become popular in our country too, specifically among the younger generation.
We are social animal. As being gregarious in nature, we need family, relatives and companions. We create society, practice social virtues, etiquette and observe various social, religious and traditional functions, celebrations and festivals partly because they are our identity, they are the symbols of the civilisation of the bygone era(s) and it is our prime responsibility to preserve our tradition that are on the verge of extinction, for our generations. But, at the same time, in the name of tradition, lets not lead the public to delusion.
(DId you notice one thing? the affore-mentioned incident of mine is a Lie- a big lie!!! just a April 1 celebration!! hahaha)

Have a nice April Fool’s Day

शरणार्थी, एक चिन्तन

By Prakass Kshetree.
भुटानि मानब अधिकारि नेता टेक नाथ रिजाल भुटानिहरुका लागि एक ठुला नेता हुन भन्ने कुरा सबैलाई अवगत छ। वहाँ भुटानकै हुन भन्ने पनि सबैलाई थाहा भएकै कुरा हो। वहाँ भुटानि शरणार्थी भएर पनि कुनै शरणार्थी सिबिरमा उनको बास हुँदैन,हुन्छ त खाली काठमाडौं ,बिर्तमोड अनी दमकमा। शरणार्थी सिबिर भित्रका शरणार्थीका नेता टेक नाथले आखिर के नै जनेका छन र भुटानि समस्या अनी समाधानको बारेमा जबकी उनी सिबिर भित्रनै बस्दैनन ? त्यो मान्छे जो सिबिरमा आएर ५ बर्ष बसिसक्यो तर पनि उसलाई केही थाहा हुँदैन शरणार्थी पिडा अनी दु:खहरु भने हाम्रा मुलका नेता teknath टेकनाथ रिजाललाई के नै थाहा छ होला र शरणार्थी हुनुको पिडा । राजधानी बसेर फुर्सदमा सिबिर घुम्न आउने अनी सिबिरका ती भबिस्यको खोजीमा ठक्कर खाएका शरणार्थीहरु उनको भाषाण सुन्न दिन भरी धुलो खाएर घाममा बस्ने, लाग्छ नेता सबै यस्तै हुँदा रहेछन। बेलाबखत असिना परे झै पड्कीरहने हाम्रा नेता टेक नाथ आफ्न सन्तान अनी परिवारहरुलाई बिर्तमोडको आफ्नै घरमा राखेर शरणार्थीहरुका झुप्रासँग जिस्कन आउने उनको त्यो बानीले जनता उनलाई विश्वाश गर्नै छोडे।

अब के नै गरुन र बिचरा टेक नाथ शरणार्थीको समस्या लिएर बिभिन्न सभा अनी रेलीहरु गर्न पनि शरणार्थी नै छैनन हातमा अनी क्रान्तिकारीको नेता भएर भुटानि शरणार्थी युवाहरुलाई बन्दुक अनी बमको सिकर पर्ने उनको नयाँ आन्दोलनको नितीलाई सलाम छ मेरो पनि । बेसाहरा आमाहरुको काख रित्याउने अनी युवतीहरुको सिउदो पुछ्ने उनको नयाँ निती साचै नै सक्तिसाली छ अनी मुल्यवान पनि । बम अनी बन्दुकबाट मात्रै आन्दोलन गर्न सकिन्छ भन्ने उन्को मनस्थिथी कतिको सक्तिसाली अनी फलदाही छ भन्ने कुरा त भुटानि शरणार्थी सिबिर बेलडागी २ मा केही महिना पहिले एक बेसाहरा युवकको नेपाल प्रहरीको गोलीद्वारा भएको मृत्‍युले पनि बोल्छ अनी उनकी आमाको आसुले । वास्तवमा भुटानि आन्दोलनमा एक सफल नेत्रित्वोको अभाबले नै असफल हुँदै गहिरहेको छ अनी असफल भहिरहन्छ । टेक नाथ एक असफल नेता हुन अनी उनको बाटोनै असफल हो भन्ने पुस्टी भहिसकेको छ भन्दा अन्यथा नहोला । Refugees in water tape अब कुनै पनि शरणार्थी आन्दोलनले शरणार्थीहरुको सहयोग पाहुने छैनन किन कि अब धेरै नै ढिलो भइेसकेको छ अनी बिभिन्न पार्टीले रातारात घरमा लगाइदिएको आगो अनी भात्काइ दिएको घरको धुरी खाबो समाएर नै भए पनि बस्ने तर कुनै पार्टीहरुलाई सहयोग नगर्ने निर्णय गरिसकेका छन भने क्रान्तिकारीहरुको खुकुरीबाट लुक्दै भए पनि पुनर्बास तर्फ सबैको आँखा जान थालेको छ । यस्तो बेलामा टेक नाथले दिएको मन्तब्य पनि निरर्थक नै हुन्छ।

पुनर्बासबाट नै आएर संयुक्त राष्ट्र अमेरिकाको कोनकोर्डमा बसिरहेका अरुण भन्छन ”सिबिरमा बसेर भबिस्या छैन तेसैले अमेरिका आउने निर्णय गरेको हुँ ,यहा सिबिरको भन्दा उच्च छ जीवन अनी जीवनस्तर ” आफुलाई नभए पनि छोराछोरी अनी नातिनातिनाको लागि भबिस्या हुन्छ भन्छन हेमसाइरका ६८ बर्षका हर्कामान । नानीहरु स्कुल जादै छन ,यहा त १२ पढ्न पनि पैसानै लाग्दो रहेनछ ,उनिहरुले नै गर्छन् भनेर आएको हुँ भन्छिन सेतीमाया जो १० महिना अगाडि आएकी थिइेन । झन युवाहरु त सबैनै आफ्नै गाडीमा कुद्न पाहेकोमा दाङग छन ।

Refugees enjoying fun with Hari Adhikari in America
सिबिरमा रहेका सम्पूर्ण साथी , भाई ,दिदी ,बहिनी ,बाबा आमा अनी हजुरबा हजुराआमाहरुलाई छिट्टै नै अमेरिका आउनुहोला भन्न चाहन्छु भनेर यहाँ ओक्ल्यान्डका नाम खुलाउन नचाहने एक युवक भन्छन । साचै नै अब सम्पूर्ण भुटानिहरु तेस्रो देश पुनर्स्थापनाबाट बिभिन्न ठाउँ आउने छन तर समय लग्नेछ । पुनर्बासमा सहयोग गरिरहेको संस्था आइ ओ एममा दिनहु लाग्ने शरणार्थीको भिड अनी अमेरिकामा स्थफिथ शरणार्थी हेर्दा यस्तै नै भान हुन्छ ।